American Express

PostePay is a unique and the most popular payment method in Italy. PostePay is one of the most used payment methods in Italy. Postepay cards are co-branded with MasterCard and are operated by Poste Italiane. Offering Postepay as a payment method offers you the opportunity to expand your business to Italy. By offering this payment method in your webshop, you gain a greater reach and serve the Italian market.

Postepay is the most popular payment method in Italy. It is a unique payment method because the consumer does not need to have a bank account. The consumer buys a credit and can pay with it. After the consumer has this card, the consumer can top it up. PostePay is supported by Visa and Mastercard.


  • The consumer does not need to have a bank account
  • Safe and easy


How does it work?

  • The consumer buys a card from PostePay. The consumer can then add credit to this card.
  • The consumer selects PostePay as a payment method
  • The consumer enters his/her card details.
  • The payment is made


  • Italy