
Increase your open rates by up to 50% using proprietary AI technologies OpenGen and Robly.

What is Robly?

Robly is a leading innovator in email marketing and marketing automation. Increase your open rates by up to 50% using proprietary AI technologies OpenGen and Robly. Robly's signature Exit-Intent technology grows your email list up to 4 times faster than traditional signup forms. Use the A/B and multi-variant testing to optimize opening and click-through rates. The design team will build a free custom, mobile-responsive template and get you up and running in under an hour.

Who uses Robly?

Robly is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Accept payments via your webshop!

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Are you interested in an independent analysis of your webshop?

We make a non-binding and independent analysis of your webshop from only € 199,00 excl. VAT.