What is web hosting?

Web hosting, what is that?

Web hosting is putting (and keeping) a website online. There are many differences between hosting contracts. One chooses a hosting contract with a web designer, the other with a large-scale hosting company. In this article I want to discuss the points of interest of the web hosting packages.
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You naturally want your hosting provider – the party responsible for your web hosting – to be accessible as much and as easily as possible. The last thing you want is that if a server error occurs in your webshop, you cannot point out the error to your provider so that it can be resolved.

Major web hosting companies are mostly This is an advantage as they employ people who can immediately connect you or provide assistance. Why “usually”? Because of course you can also end up on hold. At a small-scale web design company you will probably be helped faster as you are often helped immediately.

Server quality

Server quality may vary, but they are usually the same. However it may be that a large web hosting company puts many more sites on one server for maximum profit. Then this server could cause some problems. For the rest, a large hosting company often has servers with more capacity and speed. This speed usually does not matter much as it concerns milliseconds compared to the servers of a small-scale web design company.

Moving sites

Moving sites? Moving a site means moving a website from server A to B. This is usually done to make better use of a server (more sites on one server, or fewer to increase the speed slightly). Usually costs are charged for this, but sometimes not. Check with the person you want to sign a web hosting contract with. This can save you a lot of time, effort and money and you will immediately have a working site.


Most major providers offer web hosting from €30 per year. However, this web hosting is usually intended for the owner of a local to regional store. This is based on visitor numbers and the speed of your webshop. However, with certain additional services added, this price may be slightly higher.

Additional service

What additional services can be offered with a web hosting contract? What do these services do?

As mentioned above, some web hosting providers offer you a relocation service. This will save you the time, effort and/or money you would otherwise have had to invest in moving your website.
An SSL certificate or a domain name is often also offered with the contract. An average SSL certificate costs about €20-€40 per year (depending on whether there are also sub-domains involved) and shows that your website processes data using an “encryption protocol”. This means that your visitors' information is better encrypted against cyber criminals.

The domain name of your website is a lot cheaper. This only costs €0,99-€20 per year, depending on what kind of domain extension you want to use. (.nl, .com, .eu, etc.) and can often be combined with your web hosting contract.