Web design and copywriting: A beautiful website means little without good content. But how do you actually write good copywriting texts?

You may have read our article about one custom WordPress website and your website is also tailor-made - how beautiful! But how do you actually write good copywriting texts? Content that is attractive and of value to your reader? Or is the question not how, but who? Perhaps you should do this better professional copywriter leave?

Good texts: Write yourself or hire a copywriter?

Ultimately, it is up to you to make the decision: Do you want/can you write good texts yourself or do you feel better about hiring an experienced copywriter? We believe that if you really want to achieve something with your website, it is better to invest in professionals.

But when is a (professional) copywriter a good copywriter?

Good copywriters write successful copy:

But when is someone a good copywriter and what makes a successful copy?

There are at least two answers to the question of when a copy is successful:
1) The content is interesting and useful for your reader, your target group.
2) The content is interesting and useful for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

 Your target group should always have priority when it comes to good content. After all, you don't want Google, you want to convince people to buy your service or your products.

So let's start with good copywriting for your target group:

Target group-oriented writing

For example, are you the owner of an (online) shop? Then place up-to-date offers and promotions and service specifications on your homepage and ensure that opening hours are easy to find: This allows you to lower the threshold for your visitors to visit in person.
In any case, always make sure that you know your target group well. Know what they are looking for and that it is clear that you have the solution for them.

Copywriting – short and sweet

Just think: If you are looking for specific information, do you want to read lengthy, confusing texts without even knowing whether they ultimately answer your question? Probably not. Make reading your copy as easy and convenient as possible:
Adjust the writing style to your target group and use easy words instead of too much jargon. Provide an overview by using subheadings. Use short sentences.

Search engine-oriented writing

Now that you have a website with content that is interesting and useful for your visitors and (potential) customers, it would of course be very nice if your target group also experienced this. Or else:

If your content is also interesting and useful for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.


Because what you still want is for you (and not your competitors) to become (and remain!) visible and findable online when people "google" for products that you offer. Optimizing texts on a website is part of SEO Marketing, which SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization: For now, search engines are your target audience.

SEO Marketing is a completely different topic, but here too we recommend working with professional online marketers. SEO Experts know everything about how valuable Google estimates your website, how they can subsequently increase the value of your website, with which tools your success can be measured and how your website will score a high position with Google and others in the long term and keep you above your competition's search results are displayed.

What already applied to copywriters also applies to SEO Experts: Their expertise is worth gold, but they do not have to be expensive. Nowadays there are many online freelancer SEO experts who add a lot of (SEO) value to your website for little money - definitely recommended.
