WooCommerce Pricing & Discounts!

The WooCommerce Prices & Discounts! plugin (WCTBP) is a powerful tool that allows the store administrator to create price and discount rules that dynamically add product price, cart discounts or charges to the cart based on time periods, quantity (currently in cart or item inventory value left), amounts spent (per items or total shopping cart) and user roles.

Useful for many purposes, such as assigning special prices for special users (such as wholesale users)!

Remark: The plugin, such as WordPress,

The WooCommerce Prices & Discounts! plugin (WCTBP) is a powerful tool that allows the store administrator to create price and discount rules that dynamically add product price, cart discounts or charges to the cart based on time periods, quantity (currently in cart or item inventory value left), amounts spent (per items or total shopping cart) and user roles.

Useful for many purposes, such as assigning special prices for special users (such as wholesale users)!

Remark: The plugin, such as WordPress,

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