Enable a multi-currency system in your store and let users view and pay for products in their own local currency.

If you have an e-commerce store, now is the time to expand your audience to a global level: the positive side of selling online is that you can easily reach customers from all corners of the world: you can internationalize your business with just a few Clicks. However, users prefer to visit stores where prices are displayed in their own local currency and are very unlikely to complete an order in a currency they are not familiar with. For this reason, if you do not want your business to have geographical limits and want to sell your products 'beyond borders and borders', it is crucial that your store is user-friendly and focused on the needs of the market shares you intend reach. Our YITH Multi-Currency Switcher allows you to add multiple currencies to your store and provide a totally positive user experience. Speak in terms of rubles to your Russian customers and in terms of dollars to American visitors; Show your product prices in pounds to buyers in the UK and in yuan to buyers in China. Just one plugin to expand your business internationally and make your store more useful to all your users, no matter where they are.

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